
Class 6th English Poem Summary

A HOUSE, A HOME ~Summary~ - by Lorainne M Halli The poem ‘A House, A Home’ is a two-stanza poem written by Lorraine M. Halli. In this poem, the poet highlights the difference between a house and a home. They differ in several ways. A house consists of rooms, a kitchen, a balcony, etc which are made up of bricks, stone, wood, and glass. Some houses may have a yard, chimneys, and tiled floors. Depending on the need, these may have a large number of doors. There are some cemented structures, but no signs of life. Thus, a house is a lifeless building unless it is occupied by people. A home on the other hand is a place where a family lives with love and affection. A house becomes a home when parents along with brothers and sisters live together and care for each other. They understand each other well. The family members work for the welfare of the family selflessly. They are kind towards each other and help each other through all ups and downs.